Involuntary Labor Statement


Addressing the UK Modern Slavery Act

CSM Ingredients strongly opposes any and all illegal and unethical treatment of people, including any acts of slavery or human trafficking. The following statement represents the efforts that we have undertaken from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.


About CSM Ingredients®

CSM Ingredients is a leader in bakery ingredients, products and services for retail and foodservice markets as well as artisan and industrial bakeries. Our team of bakery experts serves customers in more than 100 countries with an international network of innovation, product development and manufacturing facilities. Our brands include some of the industry’s most trusted names, such as Arkady, Artisal, Marguerite, Masterline, MeisterMarken, Ulmer Spatz and Waldkorn.


Managing Modern Slavery Risks

Each entity within our company has its own duty to respect human rights. We operate with the following policies that describe our approach to the identification of risks:

  • Employee Codes of Conduct / Handbooks
  • Global Procurement Policy
  • Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Sustainability Policy

In 2020, CSM has taken steps to mitigate the risks associated with modern slavery in our business and supply chain, including:

  • Supplier Code of Conduct: CSM published a Supplier Code of Conduct as part of our responsible sourcing program. This Code defines our expectations of our business partners in the areas of business integrity, labor practices, quality, health & safety environmental practices & land rights, and compliance within our supply chain.
  • Supply Chain Monitoring: CSM currently utilizes the supply chain mapping and traceability processes to evaluate any identified risks in our supply chain. In 2017, we identified one risk and conducted traceability exercises. We have engaged with the supplier and are routinely monitoring the supplier's ongoing corrective action processes to ensure that they are striving for compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct.


Looking Ahead

In the year ahead, we intend to further our activities in the management of human rights, including:

  • Harmonizing our country level employee codes of conduct and handbooks into one Global Code of Conduct, in line with the International Labour Organisation's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
  • Training all colleagues on the Global Code of Conduct, once published.
  • Developing tools and processes to support our team in identifying and managing risk with new and current suppliers. One such tool is the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (Sedex) system.

Progress will be reported in our next statement.